Computational Women's and Childrens' Health

We are a computational biology research group dedicated to developing algorithms that enhance the health of women and children, focusing on fertility, pregnancy, and lactation.
We're not just scientists; we're pathfinders seeking to bring algorithmic  precision to areas of health where it's been previously absent.

Research Focus

Computational Methods
We develop computational methods to uncover hidden and robust patterns in human microbiome data, with a particular focus on microbiome temporal dynamics.
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We study the human microbiome's impact on fertility, focusing on how microbial communities in the reproductive tract influence conception and reproductive health.
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We study the human microbiome during pregnancy, focusing on its role in supporting both maternal and fetal health.
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We study early-life microbiome development, focusing on the interactions between the infant microbiome, immune system, and human milk.  
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Human Milk
We study the composition and dynamics of human milk across diverse global populations. By integrating systems biology and data science approaches, we aim to understand how human milk components influence early development, modulate the microbiome, and impact long-term health outcomes.
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Visionary AI
We develop innovative AI approaches to model healthy pregnancy progression and detect deviations from optimal trajectories, using the eye as a proxy for pregnancy health.
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Human Microbiome
Retinal Vasculature
Human Milk Composition

Welcome to the Shenhav Lab. I’m Liat Shenhav, an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Systems Genetics and the Department of Microbiology at the Grossman School of Medicine, with affiliations in the Department of Computer Science at the Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences and the Center for Data Science.

We are a computational biology research group dedicated to developing mathematical models and AI algorithms to improve the health of women and children, with a focus on fertility, pregnancy, and lactation. Our aim is to enhance maternal and child health outcomes through rigorous, data-driven insights.

Through extensive data collection, bespoke algorithm development, and collaborations with experts in obstetrics, pediatrics, ophthalmology, microbiome science, and human milk research, we aim to uncover key mechanisms and identify biomarkers that drive complex biological systems.

Liat Shenhav - Lab PI

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Collaborative Innovation in Health Science

Our work sits at the confluence of data science and clinical expertise, embodying a dynamic and complex data landscape that demands the keen intellect of data scientists. These experts collaborate closely with a diverse team of clinicians, including obstetricians, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, alongside human milk scientists, nutritionists, and experimental biologists.


Interdisciplinary Teams


Advanced Algorithm Development


Pioneering Health Insights

News and Announcements